School rides into record book

The Bayside Great Victorian Bike Ride team 2023. (Supplied)

This is the 37th consecutive year that Bayside College has participated in the Great Victorian Bike Ride.

Teacher Natalie Tancredi said students and staff at all three campuses – Williamstown, Altona and Newport – are proud that their school is the one that has completed the most rides.

“It is the most any school has ever done, besides some individuals which have done more rides,” she said.

This year, Bayside had a group of 17 students participating from Year 7 through to Year 12.

“Generally if a student starts the ride in Year 7 they will do it every year until they finish school. We have had some students come back to do it with us again after they have finished school. It is really nice because the older kids tend to lead and get some responsibility, and the younger kids get to see what the experience is like.”

The group participated in the ride for the full nine days, camping at night and riding during the day.

“We all undergo training leading up to it so the students can get ready for the ride.

“This year was probably wetter than what it has been previously as we had a combination of good and bad weather, but it was still a great experience.

“The kids all loved it and said they will come back again next year and do it all over again, so that will be something they look forward to.”

Ms Tancredi said the community created along the ride is everyone’s favourite part.

“They all felt like they accomplished a lot, there is a real community aspect, it is almost like a family.

“We all created an environment which they enjoy, surrounded by people they enjoy spending time with.”

Jennifer Pittorino