Seeking feedback for Seddon


Maribyrnong council has released a draft of its Seddon Neighbourhood Plan for community feedback, designed to guide and manage future growth in the suburb.

Council said the draft considers opportunities and proposes actions to support a greener more connected Seddon with enhanced cultural and festival life, and activated and strengthened commercial spaces, as well as vibrant parks, streets and spaces.

“Recognising current land limitations, the draft Plan, informed by two rounds of community engagement in 2022 and 2023, considers a number of opportunities to create a leafier, safer and more accessible suburb,” council said.

This includes proposed building guidelines for the Seddon Village and outlining a number of potential future public realm design concepts, such as the investigation of a new civic space on Austin Street; improvements to pedestrian safety and priority at the Pilgrim Street underpass, the northern end of Williamstown Road; and Seddon Station and greening initiatives across the suburb.

Mayor Cuc Lam said, “Of the proposed public realm projects identified in the draft plan, we want your input to help to identify the ones you want prioritised to help with our future planning.

“Seddon is your home, so your insights have been and continue to be important to the delivery of the Seddon Neighbourhood Plan.”

You can provide feedback and comments on both draft plans by midnight, Monday, June 10.
