Sick cat scam warning

Nathan Miles is rescuing cats. Photo: Damjan Janevski

A western suburbs animal rescue group is warning the community to be wary of scammers selling domestic kittens as special breeds, with many of the cats infected with parvovirus.

RSPCA Victoria major investigations team leader Lisa Calleja confirmed her organisation was investigating reports regarding the sale of sick kittens in Victoria’s west.

Western Suburbs Cat and Kitten Rescue founder Nathan Miles said the suspected ringleader was selling kittens from a premises in Newport believed to be infected with parvovirus.

“He’s procuring kittens fraudulently from the general community, organisations and shelters using fake ID and he is then selling these animals as special breeds,” Mr Miles said.

“When he scams a cat from a group, he then impersonates to the public that he works for that shelter or group, as the paperwork has all the organisation’s details on it.

“He then illegally alters the documentation to change the kitten to a breed.

“One woman bought a kitten for $490 believing it was a ragdoll cross Burmese – and in reality it was a domestic medium-hair moggy.”

Mr Miles became aware of the scam after a carer spotted a cat his group had adopted out being listed for sale online. After issuing a scam alert on Facebook, Mr Miles was inundated with victims coming forward, many of whom had bought cats that subsequently required veterinary treatment or had to be euthanised.

“The problem is, every animal [the scammer] is taking into that house is coming into a parvo environment … and that’s how they’re coming out, sick,” he said. “Sadly, they don’t care about the kitten or kittens whatsoever and their motivation is purely deception, money and greed. This scam is cruel and vile and they appear to not care whatsoever about the welfare or wellbeing of the cat.”

Anyone with information or who has concerns for the welfare of an animal can make a report to the RSPCA via or 9224 2222. The RSPCA also advises prospective cat owners to read its Smart Kitten and Cat Buyer’s Guide at