April brings the arrival of this year’s City Nature Challenge, which Maribyrnong council will be participating in and competing against other councils across Melbourne.
Started in 2016 as a competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco, the City Nature Challenge (CNC) has grown into an international event.
This year’s challenge will run from Friday, April 26, to Monday , April 29 and involves councils competing to log the most species of flora and fauna in their municipality.
Maribyrnong council is asking residents to take pictures of wild plants and animals using iNaturalist.
During the four-day window of this challenge, locals can snap a photo of a plant or animal, or record a call, and upload it to iNaturalist making sure to include the location.
The observations will automatically be pooled to the project so council can compete with participants from cities all over the world.
To get involved, download the iNaturalist app and take photos or capture sounds of as many animals, fungi or plants and add these images and videos to the Maribyrnong project and the Greater Melbourne project.
Results will be announced on Monday May 6.
Details: inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/city-nature-challenge-2024-greater-melbourne