Goya Dmytryshchak
A Christmas lockdown wish has come true.
When UK citizen Colin Evans couldn’t see his daughter in Williamstown due to COVID-19, he reached out to fellow Lions club members across the globe.
Mr Evans contacted the Australian Lions national cake co-ordinator to send daughter Joanna Gumley and her family a famous Lions Christmas cake.
Lions Club of Altona’s Maurie Tanian personally delivered the gift.
“Joanna was delighted to receive the gift from her father, and she said that whenever he came to Australia he always purchased a Lions Christmas cake, especially as there is no such Lions project in England,” Mr Tanian said.
Altona Lions’ president Catherine Curtain said the delicious cakes helped raise funds for the community.
“As our fundraising efforts have been hampered due to COVID lockdown restrictions, the sale of cakes is one small way we can continue to raise funds, which we use to support community service projects.”
People can order a Lions Christmas cake via altona.vic@lions.org.au.
Cakes will also be on sale at Bendigo Bank branches and the neighbourhood houses.