Sporting Clubs Score Grants Boost


State government Grants of up to $5000 for grassroots clubs to improve the skills and knowledge of volunteers, coaches and officials, are now available.

Grants of up to $4000 are also up for grabs to help clubs delivering a new sport or active recreation program, while grants of up to $1000 to purchase uniforms and equipment, and $750 travel grants to help clubs participate in competitions away from home, can also be applied for.

The program is backed by the Regional Community Sport Development Fund that is delivering infrastructure upgrades and other programs including the Regional Community Sport Infrastructure Fund to help more regional Victorians get active and be part of their local sporting club.

Community Sport Minister Ros Spence said the grants would do more than just help individual clubs.

“Sport clubs are the lifeblood of our communities and the volunteers play a critical role – this program supports clubs to thrive and grow and get more people in the community playing an active part in local sport,” she said.

“We’re ramping up our efforts to back more grassroots clubs to they have the equipment, skills, facilities and funding they need to thrive into the future.”

Applications close on October 7.

For more information and to apply for Sporting Club Grants Program visit: