Spotswood tourism operator fears collapse

Gourmet Pawprints founder Kerry Watt and her dog Diesel outside the RSL. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 254739_01

Benjamin Millar

A Spotswood tourism business is on the verge of folding after becoming embroiled in a legal dispute with Hobsons Bay Council.

Gourmet Pawprints, which runs its dog-friendly tour experiences from a base at Spotswood & Kingsville RSL, received approval from the council in January to operate their tours on ‘Bella’ the bus from the RSL.

The business had been using the RSL as a base that customers could use prior to each tour, but was evicted from the site on August 30, later extended until September 30.

Business founder Kerry Watt said the eviction leaves Gourmet Pawprints unable to operate as she hasn’t been able to secure alternative premises.

Ms Watt said the council’s grounds for cancelling approval have been “vague and misleading”, especially since the Council had provided a grant to Gourmet Pawprints to have a ‘new home launch event’ in March.

“The financial and emotional consequences are devastating,” she said.

“I’m devastated to think that after eight years operating the business, this was our first customer facing venue where people could enjoy a local attraction, the business is being shut down.”

Ms Watt said she had entered into an agreement directly with Spotswood & Kingsville RSL for use of the premises which the RSL had been very happy to maintain.

She said she couldn’t understand the council’s heavy-handed approach in the middle of a pandemic that was taking a heavy toll on small businesses.

“The Council has not provided a legitimate reason for the eviction, they have been bullying and intimidating,” she said.

“To target someone like this doesn’t just affect the business, but also their mental health – they say they are supporting small business, but they are not walking the talk.

“For all of this to be done when we’re in a lockdown when we’ve got enough pressure on us as at is is a real double-whammy, it’s in direct conflict with its tourism strategy and it’s just gobsmacking.”

The business has found a temporary home for the bus while the dispute continues, but Ms Watt said it has been impossible to find another suitable location and the business is at risk of folding.

She said her focus should now be on bringing on staff to run tours now that the reopening of regional Victoria to Melbourne tourists has been announced from this Friday evening, but she’s unable to take bookings or bring people in until the matter is resolved.

Ms Watts has launched an online petition to the council at

A council spokeswoman said the council is unable to comment as the matter is subject to pending legal proceedings.