Students dance up a storm

St. Mary’s Parish Primary School dance club. (Damjan Janevski) 430280_03

Students at St Mary’s Parish Primary School in Williamstown have been getting their groove on at a weekly dance club.

Held during lunchtimes for children in years three to six, participants are able to learn, create and perform different styles of dance and improve their fitness, flexibility, coordination and teamwork in the process.

The dance club is the brainchild of St Mary’s performing arts teacher Gina Coetzee.

“Dance is such a wonderful way for our students to express themselves and connect with others,” Ms Coetzee said.

“I am so proud of the work they are doing in our local community and the joy they are spreading through their performances.”

Those performances have recently included trips to local kindergartens to dance for kinder students and hold workshops with them too.

“They have had a great time and have learnt so many different skills and strategies when teaching the kinder children,” said Ms Coetzee.

“I am awaiting some reflections from the kindergartens but the feedback received verbally so far has been positive.”

At the other end of the age spectrum, the dance club has previously gone out to perform at local retirement villages too and it’s hoped they will have the chance to do so again in term four.

Ms Coetzee said the performances had a range of benefits.

“The dance club at St Mary’s is a shining example of how a school can use dance as a tool for community outreach and student development. The students involved are not only learning valuable dance skills, but also important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and empathy.”

Cade Lucas