Students enjoy sensory garden

Maya,(7) Gabe,(7), and Olive,(7), enjoying the new sensory garden. (Jacob Pattison)359513_01

Yarraville West Primary School has recently installed a sensory garden, which Principal Karen Rush said the students have been loving.

“It was a 14 week project which began back in July, it was completed a few weeks ago and since then it has been really helpful,” she said.

“The space is targeted for children, to recalibrate and co-regulate with an adult when they have big emotions and they need somewhere quiet and calm.

“It is a space for them to take a moment and apply some of their calming strategies that they may have learned at school.

“This space is the quietest place in the school, it’s private, and it’s been really successful so far.”

Karen said there are many different elements to the space which are all designed to help children with the sensory overload that they might experience at school.

“One of the elements is a sand pit which is really helpful, because often when kids become upset they need sensory feedback in a different way,” she said.

“Some children may take off their shoes and get feedback through their feet, and the sandpit is a really delightful, soft, cool place.”

In addition to the sandpit, Karen said the garden incorporates different textures on the ground so kids can feel different surfaces.

“The garden also has a little tunnel, sometimes kids just want to be inside something and take five minutes.

“We also have different levels so kids can be on the ground, they can be standing, they could be sitting, everything’s very lovely.”

Jennifer Pittorino