Williamstown theatre night for women in Uganda

Trisha Salau and Jill Bilston. Photo: Damjan Janevski

A theatre fundraiser in Williamstown next month will raise money for a tourist shop to help women in Uganda become self sufficient.

Five years ago, local women Jill Bilston and Tricia Salau established a project to help women from the Bwindi region start their own business and generate income to support their families.

To date, their Bwindi Community Project has started a sewing business and a hostel and refuge for family violence survivors from communities surrounding the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

The next fundraiser, a play titled

Mr Bailey’s Minder at Williamstown Little Theatre, aims to raise more than $1000 towards building a tourist shop in Bwindi.

Ms Bilston said the shop would increase sales of the women’s fabric items, woven baskets and work on consignment from local artists and crafters.

“Having a tourist shop to showcase the women’s African fabric items and woven baskets will attract tourists and local business people,” she said.

“The sales money goes back to support better wages for the women.”

Ms Salau said every very dollar raised went straight to the project.

“This project is about creating an infrastructure that will continue to support the women and their families,” she said.

“Our project is to support a village to grow and be self sufficient.”

Mr Bailey’s Minder is on February 6 at 7.30pm at Williamstown Little Theatre, 2/4 Albert Street, Williamstown. There will be champagne and nibbles, raffles and door prizes. Tickets are $20. Email: jillbilston@hotmail.com or pdsalau@hotmail.com