Through the artists eyes

Sheree McCrum and Vicki Tyrrell curated the current exhibition by the Hobsons Bay Arts Society. (Damjan Janevski) 345938_04

The Hobsons Bay Arts Society is currently hosting its annual exhibition called ‘Through the artists eyes’.

This is the 13th annual exhibition for the society and the third to be held at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre this year.

Arts society general exhibition co-ordinator Kirsten Craggs said the exhibition is put together for the community.

“Everybody who enters their art into the exhibition gets their art shown, there is no possibility of getting knocked back,” she said.

“We are very inclusive, we have some new artists and some artists who have been doing this for a long time.”

Sheree McCrum and Vicki Tyrrell curated the exhibition this year, which comprises of 55 artworks.

“We usually have 70 pieces exhibited by 30-40 artists, everybody in the arts society is invited to exhibit,” Ms Craggs said.

Ms Craggs said this year the artists had free reign over the subject choice for their art.

“There are all different mediums of art pieces this year, they are all two-dimensional art pieces this time,” she said.

“We have some pieces that are collage, and others created with the standard mediums of oil, acrylic, watercolour and pastels.”

The exhibition will be open to the public until Thursday, July 27 for one month, which Ms Craggs said is all thanks to council.

“We as an arts society are thankful that council has provided the space and the means to run this exhibition,” she said.

“It’s a great opportunity for the artists and for the people in the group to be able to showcase their work.”

Jennifer Pittorino