Tourism strategy is under review

Councillor Pamela Sutton-Legaud.

Councillor Pamela Sutton-Legaud

There are so many unsung heroes in our community that do incredible work who don’t get the recognition they deserve.

I’ve been fortunate to meet people all over Hobsons Bay who dedicate so much of their time, energy, passion and expertise to helping others.

It’s rare that we get to truly recognise these people and shine a light on the important contribution they make to our society.

Nominating someone to be the Hobsons Bay Citizen of the Year or Young Citizen of the Year is a great opportunity to do just that.

If you know someone who’s working to make a difference and drive positive change in our community, show them how much you value their work by nomiating them.

You can nominate any Australian citizen who lives, works, volunteers or studies in Hobsons Bay.

All the details about who you can nominate and how to do it are available at

Tourism is a crucial part of our local economy, particularly in my ward, which includes the popular Williamstown precinct, where people come from all over Melbourne and beyond to visit.

Making sure we are doing everything we can to attract people to all parts of Hobsons Bay is really important. Tourism generates $388 million annually and supports more than 2,400 local jobs in Hobsons Bay.

Tourism is a competitive industry so we need to all be working together to generate the best ideas and get as many perspectives as possible on how we can improve our offering.

We will soon be updating our tourism strategy and we’re inviting residents, businesses and visitors to give their thoughts on what we can do to attract more people to Hobsons Bay and what our tourism priorities should be.

Also open for community feedback is the consultation for the Williamstown’s foreshore precinct.

Draft plans for a redevelopment of the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club, concept plans for the open spaces along the foreshore, and a planting plan for Rifle Range Reserve are available for residents to provide feedback on.

You can have your say on both of these project at:

Before I go, I want to mention two great programs for people of different ages.

The popular Children’s Week is back on October 21-28. There is a packed line-up of events for children all over Hobsons Bay.

This month is also Seniors Festival. All throughout October there are great workshops, events, information sessions and more for our older residents. There’s still time to make the most of it.

Please check our website for details of events of these two wonderful programs.