Tweddle helping dads in the west work out parenting

Kerrie Gottliebsen from Tweddle with Seddon Community Bank's Ashley Coles and his daughter Penelope.

A new project aiming to help dads discover the joy of parenting is rolling out across the west.

Recognising there are very few programs specifically designed for dads, Footscray early parenting centre Tweddle is trying to change that via the ‘One Hundred Dads Project’.

The not-for-profit organisation is seeking one hundred businesses to each donate $1000 so that one hundred dads across Melbourne’s west can take part on the Working Out Dads Program.

The Country Women’s Association of Footscray and The Seddon Bendigo Bank have both come on board as launch donors.

Bank branch manager Ashley Coles, himself a new dad to daughter Penelope, said the bank was thrilled to get behind a community project with the potential to help so many families.

“As a Branch manager and a dad, I see a lot of families in the west making the transition to parenting, which we all know can be tough.”


Seddon Community Bank branch manager Ashley Coles with his daughter Penelope.
Seddon Community Bank branch manager Ashley Coles with his daughter Penelope.

Tweddle chief executive Jacquie O’Brien said projects like One Hundred Dads are a tax-deductible way businesses and individuals can help create real change in their community.

“Conclusive research confirms dads play a significant role in the social, cognitive, emotional and physical well-being of their children from infancy with lasting influences into their adult life, so donations also support the future of the west.”

The first program for ten dads will roll out at RecWest in West Footscray, with hopes of enough funding to support the program in Hobsons Bay, Brimbank, Melton, Moonee Valley and Wyndham as well.

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