Walking for wellbeing

Lauren McAlpine, Ban Nguyen and Christine McCall are promoting walking for carers. (Damjan Janevski) 350056_02

Pathways for Carers Maribyrnong group is re-launching at the Yarraville Community Centre.

The Pathways for carers group is funded by Neighbourhood House Victoria, which will be hosting most of the walking groups as of August.

Linkage co-ordinator Lauren McAlpine said they are helping facilitate the walks for carers.

“We saw a lot of people form friendships on the walks, sharing info about their own experiences being carers for elderly and those with disability,” she said.

“It is also a great opportunity for the carers to get out of their daily routine and meet new people.

“We have noticed from previous walks, it was beneficial for them to have something to look forward to.”

Neighbourhood Houses Victoria project co-ordinator Michelle Willoughby, said the purpose of the program is connection to other carers and connection to news, services and supports available to carers.

“Our carers meet once a month to walk in an accessible local natural setting and connect with each other followed by tea or coffee in a space provided by a local neighbourhood and community house or centre,” she said.

“They will also enjoy an informal presentation by a guest speaker who may speak on topics related to the carer role such as how to navigate online services.

“We know the wellbeing benefits of exercise and being in nature are immeasurable and widely documented.

“A carer said to me once that they came to their pathways group ‘just to breathe’ and that made perfect sense.”

The walk will now be held at Yarraville Community Centre at 10am every third Thursday of the month, launching on August 24.

Jennifer Pittorino