Williamstown residents fight to keep crossing

Vivienne Gray (in blue) has started a Facebook page called Keep the Crossing. Picture: Luke Hemer

Williamstown residents have started a Facebook group to unite against the state government’s plan to remove the level crossing at Williamstown North railway station.

Vivienne Gray, administrator of the Keep the Crossing group, said Williamstown did not need or want an ugly overpass or underpass replacing the crossing.

The government allocated $2.4 billion in its 2015-16 budget for the removal of 20 level crossings by 2018.

“Unbelievably, crossings at Williamstown North and Kororoit Creek Road, outside Mobil, fit into this category even though there are only six trains an hour on the Williamstown line and fewer on the Altona line,” Ms Gray said.

“If both the Williamstown crossings earmarked for removal were left alone, that would mean a saving of $240 million, funds that could be better spent on public transport upgrades.”

VicRoads did not report any casualty crashes involving drivers, cyclists or pedestrians at the Williamstown North crossing in the five years to June 30, 2015.

As reported by Star Weekly, other residents have urged the government not to remove the crossing, but until now they have not united as a group.

One, Jason Bryce, said residents did not want to see a motorway going through Ferguson Street or a flyover going past heritage homes.

Williamstown urban designer Philip Ward said a flyover would physically divide the community and destroy its village character.