Williamstown toys turning back the clock

Williamstown Historical Society members. (L-R): president Russell Brown, Nicole Harris, Stanley Bonnici and Rick Sidwick. (Damjan Janevski) 382613_01

Anyone looking for some family fun throughout the summer holidays has to look no further.

In partnership with the Williamstown Historical Society, the Williamstown Library is hosting a free heritage toys display everyday until the end of January.

Take a nostalgic journey through time and visit the vintage toys and games exhibition.

The exhibition boasts a delightful assortment of treasures, including vintage roller skates, intricate jigsaw puzzles, whimsical spinning tops from the early 1900s and toy irons dating back to the early 1800s.

Recently uncovered from offsite storage, all of the items once belonged to the young children of the Hobsons Bay area, bringing joy to the volunteers who unearthed them.

An event that the young can enjoy and the old can appreciate, it is a must see display before the month comes to a close.