90 years and counting

It will be a big weekend for Footscray United.

As well as trying to get wins on the pitch, the club will mark its 90th anniversary.

The club was formed in 1934 at the Gordon Street Baptist Church in Footscray. All meetings were held at players homes or the ninth Footscay Scout Hall, Maidstone.

The club then moved to the Nissen Army Hut from the second World War. The club bought the hut and later moved to Scovell Reserve early in the 1950s.

New club rooms were built in 1958 and then again in 2020.

Throughout the years, the club has had rope quoits, golf, basketball, women’s cricket, table tennis, indoor cricket and soccer. They still currently have a fishing club as well.

Former test player Tony Dodemaide played junior cricket at the club. Ken Eastwood and former West Indian Daren Ganga, who is still playing, are other test players to represent the club.

The club also had a number of former and current AFL players play for the club, including Touk Miller, Harry Vallence and Arthur Edwards.

The club is the only original A-grade side from the Footscray Cricket Association which is where it first started playing. It later joined the Sunshine Cricket Association winning the last senior premiership in 1998-99 before joining the Victorian Turf Cricket Association.

Past players, supporters, family and friends are invited to come down on Saturday to Scovell Reserve to reminisce about the past from 1pm when the first XI.

A couple of 90-year-old past players will be in attendance on the day along with Dodemaide.

All the old scorebooks will also be on the show on the day. Some of the big achievements include Allen Heriot and Terry Nowell taking 10 wickets each in an innings, plus five players Anthony Taylor, Wayne O’Connor, Peter Clarke, Tony Culph and Adam Preece have made double centuries.