Appleyard’s Dutch adventure

Callum Appleyard (right) with Ryan Cook. (Supplied)

Tara Murray

Among those on the side lines as the Netherlands as the won through to the Super 12 stage of the T20 Cricket World Cup was Footscray assistant coach Callum Appleyard.

Appleyard joined the team as it started its preparations in Australia six weeks ago and has been with the side lines since as they prepared for the tournament and its early stages.

“It’s very exciting,” he said. “It came out of the blue.

“I was always looking to be part of things like this, but it usually never happens.

“It’s pretty exciting and I’ll take away a lot of memories.”

Appleyard got a message from Netherlands coach Ryan Cook a week and half before they flew out to Australia asking if he wanted to be involved.

The two had known each other for the last two and a half years after Appleyard did a coaching course run by Cook. Appleyard quickly got things sorted and joined the squad in Adelaide ahead of the event.

“I was never going to pass up an opportunity like this,” he said.

“I’ve stuck with them through the warmups and the three games in Melbourne [in the group stage].

“The bulk of my role has been around as the team manager then assisting as a coach on all training days since the time we started preparing for the World Cup till now.

“You don’t know what to expect going into international teams, but the group has been fantastic and really welcoming.”

Appleyard said it had been really good to learn about how international teams structure up and what goes on behind the scenes.

It has been an exciting time for the Netherlands side which won their opening two matches in the group stage. Despite a loss to Sri Lanka in the third group match, the Dutch finished second in their pool to go through to the next stage.

Appleyard said at this stage he wouldn’t be involved for the rest of the tournament.

He said he was unsure if this would lead to more work on the international stage, but hoped it would open up more opportunities.

“It’s opened up different doors,” he said. “Coaching roles, I’ve now done the team manager role and I’ve got a performance analysis background too.

“Three areas I am able to work in.”

Appleby will soon be back at Mervyn Hughes Oval for Footscray’s Victorian Premier Cricket season.

“Footscray has been really supportive,” he said. “It’s been a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“I’ve been lucky enough with weather putting a dampener on the start of the season, so I haven’t missed games, just training.

“Maribyrnong Sports Academy where I work as well has been really supportive.”