Bulldogs kick goals for Greening the West

08-07-16 Pic of Footscray player Jordan Russell promoting Dogs wearing green socks in support of Greening the West. Photo by Damjan Janevski.

The red, white and blue of the Footscray Bulldogs will be joined by a splash of green in this Sunday’s clash with Casey Scorpions at Whitten Oval.

The Dogs will be barking up the right tree as they don green socks for the Round 15 VFL showdown as a show of support for the Greening the West initiative.

Greening the West spokesman and City West Water general manager Cameron FitzGerald said the program brings together 23 organisations including City West Water, LeadWest, local councils, government agencies, industry and community groups.

“The partnership is changing the shape of the western suburbs by securing federal government funding to deliver one million new trees for Melbourne’s west … as well as creating new parks and revitalising open spaces.”

Mr FitzGerald said the Footscray Bulldogs were an obvious choice to help spread the message that more trees and green spaces will make suburbs more liveable and boost community health and wellbeing.

“We’re encouraging residents to come along to the game and support the program on the day, as well as going along to their local council’s events for National Tree Day on July 31,” he said.

The match-day promotion will include giveaways, a half-time handball competition and information about how people can become involved in greening the west.

Details: www.greeningthewest.org.au