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Lifesavers focus on mental health

For Williamstown lifesavers, keeping the community safe may come in the form of mental health training. Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club is among more...

New vision for Laverton

A splash park and art trail are among the ideas put forward in a plan to improve Laverton. Hobsons Bay council has released its draft...

Construction slows down

Construction has slowed on sites across Hobsons Bay, including the biggest residential development in Williamstown, due to stage four workplace lockdown measures for metropolitan...

Heat maps reveal homelessness

Homelessness heat maps released last week revealed more than 1400 people don't have a stable home across Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay. It comes as Altona-based...

$14m Spotswood sale

The former Spotswood quarantine station has been sold for $14 million to Cadence Property in one of a number of strategic acquisitions during the...

Expert tips on coping with mask challenges

As the second wave of coronavirus sweeps across Victoria and mandatory mask use is enforced across the state, a Victoria University psychology expert is...

Woman dies in Brooklyn house fire

An elderly woman has died in a house fire at Brooklyn overnight. Firefighters were called to the Eames Avenue house about 1.40am on Thursday after...

Altona beach precinct designs

A permanent pedestrian plaza with lawns and sand could be developed in the Esplanade at Altona under new concept designs proposed for the beach...

Call for entries for art prize

Creatives in Melbourne’s west are being invited to enter the virtual Woods Street Youth Art Prize. This year, shortlisted entries will be shared in a...

Spoon family brings joy

Five-year-old Daya has been bringing joy to her Altona North neighbourhood by inviting people to decorate wooden spoons for her nature strip. The Spoonville fad,...

Pandemic triggers Maribyrnong rates freeze

Maribyrnong ratepayers have received a rare rate rise reprieve after councillors voted to freeze property rates at existing levels. Maribyrnong Council's draft 2020/21 budget had...

Rates fight unites traders

Hobsons Bay's four main trader associations have united in an unprecedented move to jointly object to proposed rates rises. Under Hobsons Bay council's draft 2020-21...

Williamstown nursing home outbreak

A Williamstown nursing home is at the centre of a COVID-19 outbreak, as Victoria suffers its deadliest day of the pandemic. Nineteen cases have been...

Mates fined for staying in Altona as state of disaster declared

Two men getting fast food in Hobsons Bay have been fined for breaching stay-at-home orders in the past 24 hours as Victoria was declared a...

Williamstown tower residents doorknocked for testing

Residents of Williamstown's Nelson Heights and Floyd Lodge public housing towers have been doorknocked to be tested for COVID-19. Nelson Heights resident, amateur boxing champion...


NBA coming to Melbourne

Melbourne will host two historic NBA games at Melbourne Park later this year. The New Orleans Pelicans will square off against Melbourne United and the...

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