Hospital budget cuts: Elective surgery a casualty of funding war

BUDGET cuts have forced 1300 elective surgery cancellations for patients at Footscray, Sunshine and Williamstown hospitals.

Western Health will close about 70 beds until June and cancel a further 550 surgeries on top of the 750 the Weekly reported last week.

The funding cuts are likely to have a significant impact on surgery waiting times.

Victorian hospitals have been stung with $107 million in federal budget cuts passed on by Victorian Health Minister David Davis, after health funding was revised down based on 2011 census population data. The state and federal governments continue the blame game over funding shortfalls, with the state looking to save $616 million over five years.

Western Health acting chief executive Arlene Wake said the cancellations were unfortunate but patients had remained the highest priority for the organisation. “It will nevertheless be impossible to prevent a considerable impact on patients and we very much regret this.”

Theatres will close at Footscray and Sunshine hospitals for four weeks between March and May and for three months at Williamstown.

“The elective surgery waiting list will be monitored to ensure that all urgent and long-waiting patients are managed appropriately. However, elective surgery is a very large part of our work and we’re unable to prevent an impact in this area.

“The measures arising from the federal funding cuts will inevitably have a detrimental impact on Western Health’s ability to meet performance.”

No jobs will be lost but staff may be redeployed or asked to take leave.