Council throws hands in air on Hobsons Bay disaster plan

HOBSONS Bay Council is calling on the state government and major hazard facility operators to “urgently” assess risks at eight sites in Hobsons Bay.

Evolve Development plans a high-density, high-rise development on the former Port Phillip Woollen Mill site within 300 metres of Mobil’s Point Gellibrand tank farm which supplies half the state’s fuel.

Mobil spokeswoman Melanie Saliba said it would be happy to help the appropriate authority.

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Western suburbs Liberal MP Andrew Elsbury has advised the council that it is the authority responsible for developing a disaster plan.

According to the Former Port Phillip Woollen Mill advisory committee report dated May 10, 2011, the onus is on the owner of the former Port Phillip Woollen Mill site to prepare an evacuation plan.

Owner, Evolve managing director Ashley Williams, said a risk assessment had been “extensively considered” at advisory committee hearings, where it was agreed that the only party that could prepare a detailed and accurate risk assessment was Mobil.

“Despite requests, Mobil has declined to provide any data that would allow us to undertake this task.”

■ Evolve’s bid to demolish the Oriental Hotel, which could be Victoria’s oldest three-storey brick hotel, is scheduled to be determined by the council’s special planning committee tomorrow night.