Brooklyn feral goats nothing to kid about

ABOUT 30 goats are on the rampage in Brooklyn, destroying trees along Kororoit Creek and intimidating people on the Federation Trail bike and pedestrian path.

Four goats sighted at Christmas are believed to have escaped from a local paddock or nearby abattoir.

Recent sightings indicate the herd has grown to about 30.

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek member Len Towerzey said the animals were eating their way through 1200 trees planted last year by his environmental group. “We’re trying to re-green the creek. It takes a lot of volunteer labour to get all the trees planted and we’re concerned all that effort may go to waste.” Greg Bain, of Melbourne Water, said the feral goats were prolific grazers and could cause significant damage to waterways by trampling soil and contributing to erosion.

“Melbourne Water and the Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek have planted thousands of trees and shrubs along the creek, which are now being destroyed,” he said.

Melbourne Water and Brimbank Council say they will have a management plan in place by Friday.

— Goya Dmytryshchak