Tibetan monks lay down healing sand at Highpoint

A GROUP of Tibetan monks will chant, meditate and create a sand mandala at Highpoint Shopping Centre in Maribyrnong next week.

From Tuesday to Sunday, the Sacred Footsteps from the Roof of the World group will offer morning chanting and meditation sessions.

It will also construct a sand mandala (as pictured) by
painstakingly pouring colourful sand into an intricate pattern to
promote purification and healing.

The group of touring monks has dedicated itself to demonstrating
traditional ritual arts and aspects of Tibetan culture since 2002.

Highpoint general manager Scott Crellin said he looked forward to seeing the mandala come to life in the centre.

“It gives our diverse Highpoint community the opportunity to learn
about another culture first-hand and offers a vibrant educational
experience for our customers, both young and old,” he said.