Miles ahead of the pack despite terrain

THE 19th race of the Footscray Cycling Club’s winter road season
was held at the hilly and difficult She Oaks circuit in the Brisbane

The field had to contend with some serious climbing and a long, sweeping downhill run that demands a rider’s all.

It was 41-year-old Ascot Vale resident Miles DaCosta who took out
Saturday’s A-grade race, shedding veteran Geoff Robertson on the last
lap to take the win.

The B grade was taken out in dominating fashion by Ben Costin.

Despite a slight mechanical problem with his bike, the 34-year-old
paramedic looked the goods all day, making his move on the last lap to
come in ahead of Mark Micallef and Tom Ainsworth.

“I wanted to drop the sprinters like Mark Micallef and I noticed I had a break so I kept the pace up and kept my gap,” he said.

The C-grade and D-grade races were taken out by father-daughter duo Andrew and Ruby Gannon of Brunswick Cycling Club.