Newport duo captured by compassion for orphanages

Two Newport residents who have raised more than $7000 for three South American orphanages have received the backing of the Peruvian Community of Victoria (PCV).

Alexandra Teeuwsen, 21, and partner William Jamieson, 20, were moved to do something after volunteering at a boys’ orphanage during a holiday in February.

They were visiting Rio de Janeiro for the carnival when they decided to volunteer through Maximo Nivel at the Hogar Maria Salome Ferro Boys Orphanage in Cusco, Peru.

The experience affected them so much they decided to do something back home for the children they left behind.

“They didn’t have anything,” Ms Teeuwsen said. “They had showers but not with soap. They didn’t have clean clothes.

“The government’s supposed to fund them, but they’ve never seen a cent.’’

The pair, together with PCV, hosted a fund-raising event in Essendon on Friday. It included a dinner dance with a performance by young Peruvian dancer Vanessa and a raffle with goods donated by more than 40 organisations.

PCV founder and director Evelina Bello has announced all money raised by her association next year will go to the three orphanages run by Hogar Maria Salome Ferro. Ms Teeuwsen plans to hand-deliver the $7000 and any further money directly to the orphanages.

“We didn’t go over there with any intention of doing any of this,” she said. “You know, we went over for a holiday; we saw what we saw and we weren’t happy with that.

“It’s not as if we’re going to change 1000 lives or even 100 lives, we’re only going to change seven or 10 boys’ lives, but it didn’t take much.

“If you know what’s going on in the world, how can you not help?” 
