Extra trucks in Moore Street will be ‘a nightmare’

Footscray residents will be receiving an unwelcome Christmas present when hundreds of extra trucks are squeezed down Moore Street during West Gate Bridge roadworks.

In an unprecedented move, the West Gate Bridge and CityLink tunnels will be shut down for resurfacing at the end of the month.

West Gate Bridge will be closed city-bound between Williamstown Road and Todd Road from 11pm-7am on December 27 and 28, and outbound detours will be in place from 11pm to 7am, January 2 and 3.

VicRoads estimates an average of 124 trucks per hour will use Moore Street during the closure.

Less Trucks for Moore’s Scott Adams said sending extra traffic down the truck-plagued street over Christmas was going to be a nightmare for residents.

“People are spending time with their families yet we still haven’t been properly informed about this.”

Resident Peter Knight said it was another example of VicRoads making decisions that unfairly affect inner-west residents.

“We understand the roadworks need to happen, but there needs to be a bit of give and take. A bit of goodwill wouldn’t go astray.

“Why do residents of Moore Street have to bear the brunt of this closure? We have asked for a 50km/h speed limit in Moore Street. I don’t think anyone thinks this is going to impede the trucks, but VicRoads are not really willing to look at it.”

Roads Minister Terry Mulder said diversion routes sending trucks down Hopkins and Moore streets in Footscray “provide the best alternative”. Up to 180,000 vehicles use the bridge each day, but over Christmas and New Year this figure drops by about 30 per cent.

VicRoads regional director Patricia Liew said leaving lanes open means works take longer, causing disruption over a greater period of time.

“In addition, this year’s works involve lane 3 which is the middle lane and, accordingly, the traffic management arrangements are much more complicated.”

She said night-time closures had been selected “to ensure that there are no disruptions to the travelling public during the day”.