Yarraville parents won’t take no for an answer

Parents have vowed to keep pressure on VicRoads and the state government after the agency rejected installing flashing 40km/h speed zone lights on a busy Yarraville truck route.

Narelle Wilson said the decision to reject the lights, revealed by the Weekly last month, was a failure of common sense.

“The fact we have three schools on a major truck route would surely make it appropriate; anyone who spent time at the crossing would see that it was sensible,” she said.

“I know lots of parents are concerned about the situation … most parents have seen trucks passing through red lights.

“It would make a big difference in terms of speed.”

VicRoads regional director Patricia Liew said a working group was formed last year to consider short and medium-term options for truck movements and their impacts in the inner west. The group draws together the heads of VicRoads, EPA Victoria, Department of Health and City of Maribyrnong.

“On February 27, they will host the first of several community consultation sessions to discuss these complex problems… all residents are strongly encouraged to attend,” Ms Liew said.

Neither VicRoads nor Roads Minister Terry Mulder would comment on why there was no community representation within the working group.

Mr Mulder said the state government took the issue of road safety very seriously.

VicRoads also carried out a survey in mid-December determining where trucks travelling through the inner-west were beginning and ending their journeys.

The results are expected to be available to the public by mid-year.


» … The community meeting will be at 5-7.30pm, February 27, at Maribyrnong Town Hall