Hobsons Bay group’s message: Plastic not so fantastic

The environmental danger posed by plastic waste will be explored during a free screening of a locally produced documentary.

Baykeepers will be shown this Saturday as part of a Hobsons Bay Baykeepers event in Williamstown.

‘‘One of our current campaigns is about plastics getting into the bay and the ecological impacts of that, so we made a 26-minute film which we’re screening in various locations,” Port Phillip Eco Centre director Neil Blake says.

“We wanted people to be more aware that if they drop a plastic bottle or bottletop, or even a fork in the street, there’s a very strong likelihood it will end up in the bay. Often plastics do break up in to smaller fragments and they get swallowed by fish and seabirds.’’

Mr Blake says the film also examines what local people are doing about the issue.

People can take part in a litter survey at Williamstown beach from 4-5pm this Saturday before heading to the Royal Yacht Club at 5.30pm for a night of free food, film and live entertainment from Williamstown environmentalist and musician Harry Brown, and Kristian Mizzi and the Sirens.

The event is sponsored by Melbourne Water’s Waterwatch program. Bookings are essential.

More details at: www.harrybrownmusik.com