YOUR VOICE: June 4-June 11

Out of the loop

In making his claims, Roads Minister Terry Mulder is ignoring the petition signed by 1300-plus residents – 15 per cent of the population here – and the hundreds of letters I delivered to him (‘Commuters slam train claims’, Star Weekly, June 4).

He has not listened to the 10 or more times I’ve raised it in Parliament. He’s ignored the multiple protests at Parliament and at his ministerial office, and he’s overlooking the multiple community meetings attended by hundreds – the most recent also attended by one of his own MP colleagues. Mr Mulder ignores his own customer satisfaction survey results, which show time after time that it’s here we have the most dissatisfied commuters on the whole network. It also appears he doesn’t read newspapers or watch the news because the Altona Loop community has been in both on multiple occasions.

Is the government listening to the community? It’s clear the answer is no.

Colleen Hartland, Western Metropolitan Greens MP

Mr Mulder needs to get out of his ivory tower and face the residents of Altona by attending the annual meeting of the Altona Loop Group. I’m sure the residents would certainly disagree with his recent claims.

Frustrated, via web

Going offshore

Nexans Olex had a workforce of 220 last year, then it was cut to 90. Now, everyone is out of a job (‘Ninety jobs go as Tottenham cable manufacturer closes’, Star Weekly online, June 5).

But what management doesn’t tell the media is where all the cables that were being produced in Tottenham will now be made.

Made in China, via web

Let council do its job

Diana Hogg obviously has strong convictions about the Hobsons Bay council budget (‘Budget must be reviewed’, Letters, June 4).

However, she expresses them as though she is speaking for everybody living in Hobsons Bay.

I am also a resident and small business owner who considered running for council in the previous election. I personally believe our new mayor Sandra Wilson and her colleagues are doing a great job.

This is Sandra’s first term as a councillor, and within a year she was elected by her esteemed colleagues to become mayor of Hobsons Bay, which is a great achievement in itself.

I imagine juggling the commitments of being the mayor, councillor, wife and mother of young children is not an easy feat and commend her for taking on this great responsibility.

Furthermore if the “Tony Briffa-led faction” of the last council were such champions for the community, why are none of them still councillors?

Three were voted out at the last election and it seems Tony Briffa decided to depart in a hurry this year.

It’s time we allowed our elected officials to do their duty by supporting their endeavours, which I have no doubt are in the best interest of the community at large.

Lisa Taggart, Williamstown

Bulldogs In Focus

Peter Gordon, I’d just like to offer you, and the whole club, my full support. The plan is transparent and I can see it isn’t wavering. I believe success will come.

Undying belief is powerful and can help overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. I have seen it at Manchester United and at Geelong. Melbourne Football Club has found either belief or confidence, and we have seen the change there.

The roar of the crowd in Adelaide is another confidence booster for the South Australian teams.

You have been instrumental in some good work with our cheer squad. But I think they need to do a little bit more and lead our supporters to roar/sing like the Barmy Army. Bulldogs fans can do more.

David A Mallard, Spotswood