Parking policy misguided

How crazy our council is to prevent us from parking in front of our own driveways (‘Ghost town fee uproar’, Star Weekly,

June 11).

The council is hiding behind an old law that effectively says driveways must be kept clear in case of an emergency.

If residents were allowed to park in this way, we would be helping the parking situation by making more public spots available for others. This would ensure that nobody else blocked our driveway, meaning that emergency services would have access in the case of a fire.

As for fees, it appears that Hobsons Bay council thinks it’s as important as Melbourne City Council and its ‘‘lords’’ by charging $3 or more.

Ian Thomas, Williamstown

Tower not a good look

I think the design of the 28-storey tower by the Maribyrnong River is visually unimpressive (Down by the riverside, a design ‘to enjoy’, Star Weekly, June 11).

A lot of people would hate driving down Dynon Road and seeing the tower cast shadows over the river and school.

Daniell Flood, via web

No sympathy for developers

How awful for the rich developers to have to seek payment from ‘average Joe locals’ who oppose their ridiculous high-density, high-profit plans in heritage areas (VCAT charges raise cost alarm, Star Weekly,

June 4).

Jackie, via web

Search for stolen dogs

I really hope the dogs being stolen from

the western suburbs are returned and are not used for fighting (Fears for stolen dog,

Star Weekly, June 4).

But the sad truth is that most stolen dogs probably die horrible and painful deaths because their owners weren’t responsible enough to keep them safe.

If you love your dogs, don’t leave them outside when you’re not watching them. Don’t let them run around without a leash and keep them indoors locked up when you’re going out.

You wouldn’t leave your child outside alone so don’t put your pet at risk either.

Ellen Anderson, via web

Ellen Anderson, it’s not the owner’s fault that the dogs got taken.

And we shouldn’t have to live in fear. Your property is your own. You and your family should feel safe at all times and be able to defend it at all costs without fear of prosecution.

Mike, via web

This is disgusting. I hate the thought that people can be so cruel as to steal other people’s pets to create dog fights, using smaller, defenceless dogs as bait. These people deserve to rot in prison!

And, Ellen, I think it’s unfair to blame the owner as leaving a dog inside is not always an option.

Michelle, via web

Budget queries must be answered

Hobsons Bay council continues to refuse to release its figures. What is it hiding?

The council refuses to answer the resident association’s requests for details about how much is being allocated to each suburb and each ward in Hobsons Bay, what the repayments of new loans will be, and how certain projects have suddenly become priorities over others.

Council knows this is an irresponsible, unsustainable budget, being based on the political wishes of a few councillors who are willing to expose ratepayers to extra rates for their own political gain.

Tony Briffa, former Hobsons Bay mayor

Why can’t Hobsons Bay council answer questions on its own budget?

Lynnekd, via web