Altona charity project for tiny babies a purl-er

Altona’s Jill Hansen has knitted about 1800 beanies for premature babies in Melbourne and children in African nations and Papua New Guinea.

She’s part of a western suburbs knitting group that meets regularly at the Louis Joel Art and Community Centre to make items from donated wool to give to charities.

“I’ve been a knitter for many years,” Ms Hansen says.

“I got the idea through the Louis Joel centre … I’ve become obsessed with it now. Sometimes I knit two a night.

“I actually saw a program on SBS one night. It was a terrible hospital in Africa and these little tiny babies were born.

‘‘They were putting beanies on their heads and I was looking to see if I could recognise them.”

Centre manager Jill Bilston said more than 46,000 beanies, jumpers, scarves and booties had been knitted at the centre over the past six years.

She said knitters also made coats for penguins affected by oil spills. When the animals are washed, the detergent irritates their skin and causes them to peck themselves. A wool coat protects them until they heal.

Donations of wool are being sought during winter, with knitters on hand ready to create clothes and other items.

“Loads and loads of wool have come in this year, and as soon as it comes in, it goes out,” Ms Bilston said.

“We have a dementia group that sits and knit squares. Those squares are then made in to blankets for [Altona-based service] Latitude, for the homeless.”

For more details, phone 9398 2511.