The Long and Short of It: City duo a country hit

Williamstown country music duo The Long and Short of It have raced ahead of Keith Urban in the country music charts.

Patsy Toop and David Baird’s 12-track album You Made Me Stronger – recorded in Nashville over three weeks last year –was launched in Tamworth in April.

Their latest single, Latter Day Cowboy, cracked the top 20 last week and is No.17 nationally.

“We are pinching ourselves,” said Ms Toop, a lawyer by day. “We cannot believe that we are in the Australian top 30. Keith Urban is sitting at 21 and 27 in the same chart.

‘‘It was only when Dave said to me, ‘Does this mean we have a hit song?’, that in that moment we realised, yes, we do.”

Latter Day Cowboy is the album’s first single, but it almost didn’t make the cut.

While in Nashville, Toop and Baird discovered their producer, Emmy award-winning Kenny Royster, had sent the track off for consideration before they had a chance to listen to it.

Toop and Baird are seasoned performers and played 18 shows at the last Tamworth Country Music Festival.

The Long and Short of It, backed by Melbourne group The Rustlers, will hold a Victorian launch for the album at Williamstown’s Pirates Tavern at 2pm this Sunday.