Western Health art program adds healthy dose of colour

Western Health is taking a unique approach to easing stress and anxiety for patients and staff at Footscray’s Western Hospital.

An innovative art therapy program is being trialled during this month and next as part of a partnership with the Footscray Community Arts Centre.

From workshops on photography and indigenous weaving, the events and activities are designed to make the hospital experience more comforting.

Julie-Ann Martin, the creative co-ordinator of 60 Days of Art, says the program was designed to allow as many staff, patients and their family and friends as possible to take part.

“Rather than focusing on illness, the focus is on health and well-being,” she says.

“From plays, art and health forums to art exhibitions, workshops and choir performances, we’re aiming to establish more of a dialogue about the benefits of art on health. The beauty of this program is that everybody can get involved, whether it’s listening to music, watching a play or attending one of the workshops or health talks.”

Art therapist Jaana Sahling will lead creative workshops, allowing staff and patients to express their creativity through drawing, painting and sculpture.

“Art can be used in many different ways to engage and start conversations,” Ms Sahling said.

“I’ll be working one-on-one with patients and tailoring the program to their needs, but I’ll also have an open studio where they’ll be able to visit, as will their family members.

“It’s not about creating masterpieces. It’s providing people with the opportunity to relax, unwind and express themselves and their feelings through art.”