Altona Meadows: Milestone celebrated without the fanfare

Altona Meadows’ Gavin Laird didn’t want a fuss to be made of his 100th birthday.

Surrounded by family, the Estia Health aged-care resident celebrated the milestone yesterday, . His daughter Jean McConachy says the quiet gathering suited him perfectly.

“He’s a very laid-back man. He likes fishing, listening to music and reading a lot, but his eyesight is going now so he can’t do that very much,” Mrs McConachy says. “He doesn’t know why he has lived so long.”

Mr Laird moved into the aged-care home in December last year, having lived in Altona with his wife Jean for 15 years.

He also spent 20 years living in Queensland after retiring from work at the Mobile |refinery.

Mrs McConachy says her dad enjoys being back in Melbourne with his family, which includes three granddaughters and two great grandsons.

She says her dad wasn’t an overly adventurous man, with one of the biggest highlights of his life being the decision to move his family to Melbourne in 1952 from Scotland.