Newport: C3 church centre wins in new dole plan

The federal government’s work for the dole reforms were launched in Newport, with federal Assistant Employment Minister Luke Hartsuyker visiting the C3 Church Transformation Centre to spruik the new arrangements.

Under the changes, people aged 18-30 will have to work 25 hours a week to receive Newstart payments. Those aged 31-49 will have to work 15 hours. People in both age groups will have to apply for 40 jobs a month.

The scheme previously applied to jobseekers under 30 who had been unemployed for a year and living in an area of high unemployment.

C3 Church senior minister Nathan Hawes lauded the scheme, under which more than 500 people will be put to work at the church and its affiliates each year.

“We place jobseekers in our cafe. They learn skills and experience so they can get a job,’’ he said.

“We also place them in administrative, IT and retail roles to gain extra experience.’’ Mr Hartsuyker said employers would receive greater incentives.

“New wage subsidies will encourage employers to hire, train and retain jobseekers,” he said. “This includes the Restart subsidy for mature-age workers, a subsidy to support young jobseekers under 30 and a new subsidy to assist the long-term unemployed.”

Mr Hartsuyker said those wanting to receive training would face tougher restrictions to ensure that jobseekers ‘‘are not doing training for training’s sake’’.

Gellibrand Labor MP Tim Watts said the government should focus on creating new jobs.

‘‘With the loss of thousands of jobs at Toyota in Altona and the jobs under threat at the Williamstown shipyards, now is not the time for another meaningless lecture … they need jobs.”