Newport: Artists’ statement piece at Substation

The winners of this year’s Substation Contemporary Art Prize will be announced in Newport on Friday, including the winner of the $10,000 major award.

Curator Jessica Bridgfoot said a shortlist of 500 artists from around Australia had been culled to 40 finalists.

“One thing we have noticed is an increase in the amount of interest from interstate artists,” she said.

“There were a number of political works entered this year with themes of immigration, protest, terrorism, animal rights … increasingly, artists are responsive to social political issues and see their role as agents of change.”

She said the major prize was not medium- or theme-specific.

“There are no rules and the cash award is non-acquisitive, which makes it very attractive for artists.”

One artist will receive The Westie Award, including $1000 for a finalist whose studio is based in Melbourne’s west.

The opening night launch starts at 6pm on Friday at The Substation, 5 Market Street, Newport. The exhibition runs until October 22.

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