Newport: Two arrested, but sex creep remains at large

Police hunting a serial sex pest in Newport last week pounced on two men matching his description, leading residents to hope the attacker had been caught.

Thirteen women have been indecently assaulted in the vicinity of Mason Street in Newport and Altona North between April 29 and August 10.

The attacker is described as a Caucasian, who wears a dark hoodie pulled over his face and sometimes rides a mountain bike.

Last Thursday, residents reported a man fitting the description being arrested and having his mouth swabbed in Mason Street.

However, a Victoria Police spokesman said two men had been arrested for unrelated matters involving theft and out- standing warrants.

One resident said it might be unwise for women to go jogging or for men to ride around wearing a hoodie in Newport.

Another Newport resident said it was comforting to see more patrols, including police on horseback, in Mason Street.

“It’s reassuring to know the police are out and about in our area and doing their best to catch the creep,” she said.

An information caravan was set up on Mason Street every night last week.

Hobsons Bay’s Inspector Richard Paterson said police had received nearly 100 tip-offs.

“We’ve received a lot of information from the public in relation to that, and a lot of that information is now being followed up,” he said.

Police said the sex attacks were committed from 6am to 8am and 6pm to 8pm, with the man grabbing women from behind in all but one instance. Police believe the sexual assault of a woman near Yarraville Gardens on May 14 was unrelated. Information to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000