Parking anger

[Re: Parking bid, ‘grab for cash’, Star Weekly, August 20] Not happy with the idea for Seddon. Those visitors who won’t pay will simply park on the already crowded adjoining streets. Will local residents get free parking in the paid parking zones if that is all there is left to park in on busy weekends? Can we protect the immediate local adjoining streets with Permit Only zones?

Seddonite, via web

School cash a pie in the sky idea

[Re: SKY group seeks Liberal commitment, Star Weekly, August 20] Why would you put the state’s future and finances at risk by making a wasteful $15 million education commitment? The state’s future would be much better served by digging an $18 billion hole and running a road through it.

Andzrej, via web

Penguin deaths raise questions

[Re: Thirty dead penguins found at Altona beach, online, August 22]. How sad, hope it isn’t something in the water environment.

Robyn Thompson, via web

Poor things. Hope we can reveal the cause soon.

Hobs, via web

Plan doesn’t go far enough

[Re: Planning on better biking, Star Weekly, August 2 0] Sad that the bike path along Rupert Street finishes at Ashley Street. Hope that something can be done to Sunshine once Regional Rail Link is done.

Rod Swift, via web

Push for answers

The completion of the Federation Trail extension is happening at a snail’s pace. Getting information out of VicRoads is impossible. I wish council would start pushing this!

Dura_Ace, via web

Greens lose first fight, not the battle

[Re: Maribyrnong punters blow $52.9 million on pokies, Star Weekly, August 12] The Greens just last week introduced legislation to limit losses and harm caused by problem gambling – putting a limit of $1 per spin on pokies. It’s an evidence-based solution. However, both the Coalition and Labor voted down the Greens’ pokies bill, showing they care more for their political donors than the Victorian people and that governments are addicted to gambling revenue.

It was a sad day for families affected by problem gambling, but the community will keep fighting for gambling reform and the Greens will be right there with them.

Colleen Hartland, Greens MP