Maribyrnong: Former mayor heads list as expense claims rise

Maribyrnong councillors racked up more than $55,000 in expenses in 2013-14.

According to a register of expenses released last week, councillors spent about $15,000 more than the previous financial year.

Stony ward councillor Catherine Cumming spent $33,683 in childcare claims.

This contributed to the former mayor being the biggest spender with a $37,693 bill. The claims included a $1369 phone bill, $1229 for events and dinners and $584 for travel.

Yarraville ward’s Cr Michael Clarke was the next highest with a $5515 tab, including $2168 on events.

This included $898 in accommodation costs to attend the National General Assembly in Canberra. Cr Clarke claimed $1444 for mobile phone charges and $899 for conferences and seminars.

Mayor Grant Miles lodged $3937 in claims, spending $1310 on events and $276 on phone costs. River ward councillor Sarah Carter claimed $3765, including a $2363 phone bill.

Deputy mayor Nam Quach recorded the most frugal phone bill at just $45.97, while River ward’s Cr Cameron McDonald attended a $275 Municipal Association seminar for ‘Dealing with difficult people and difficult situations’.

The expense report was presented at last week’s council meeting.

Under the Local Government Act, councillors are paid an annual allowance of $21,859.

They are also entitled to refunds for money spent while on their duties.

The mayor’s annual allowance is $67,634.

Maribyrnong councillors are also provided with an iPad, mobile phone with internet connectivity and a device for printing and scanning for the duration of their term.

Star Weekly tried to speak to Cr Cumming about her childcare claim, but she did not respond before deadline.

To view the full list of expenses, visit