Hobsons Bay: Overall crime falls but family violence remains a worry

Overall crime in Hobsons Bay fell by 0.2 per cent last financial year, but crimes against the person rose 6.6 per cent from 797 to 850 reported offences.

There were 6784 overall offences reported last year compared with 6799 the previous year.

Crime grouped as “other” offences in the police statistics jumped by 40 per cent from 719 to 1006.

Inspector Richard Paterson said family violence continued to drive the higher assault figures.

“Intervention Order breaches, petrol drive-offs and shop steal have impacted the other crime category,” he said.  

“While many of the assaults are minor in nature, it is a reflection on how we relate to one another either in a family setting or in public.

“Pleasingly, assaults excluding family violence reduced significantly.

“However, family violence incidents continue to contribute to an increase in assault-related crime.”

Inspector Paterson said there were significant reductions in property crime, noticeably burglaries, theft from motor vehicle and theft of motor vehicle offences.

Property crime fell 7.7 per cent from 4966 to 4586 reported offences.

“It is still disappointing to see people leaving their vehicles unlocked with valuables in sight and making them easy targets for offenders,” Inspector Paterson said.

“We have seen an increase in the theft of registration plates and I encourage residents to attend at a police station and have one-way screws fitted.”

Use, possession and trafficking of methylamphetamine or ice contributed to nearly three quarters of detected drug offences in Hobsons Bay.

Drug offences rose 7.9 per cent from 317 to 342.

“This is a growing problem impacting on police resourcing,” Inspector Paterson said.

“We continue to aim to reduce the harm this drug causes the community through intelligence, enforcement, prevention, education and additional support.”