Altona North: Car lovers in hot rod heaven

Terry Brooks’ 1948 Ford Prefect sedan will be among the many cars featured in this month’s Westside Autorama Car and Bike Show in Altona North.

Hot rods, muscle and custom cars will be on display as part of the event hosted by the Renegade Hot Rod and Custom Club.

Vice-president Alan Brooks said the show,
to be held on September 28 at Westside Indoor Sports Centre, was renowned for its quality.

“This event attracts a high standard of pristine vehicles with great prizes and trophies for top cars and bikes on show,” he said.

Mr Brooks said many friendships had been created through the club’s events and outings, which support local charities.

“We hold two successful family events each year, which attract lots of support from many devoted car enthusiasts and the
general public.’’

General admission costs $5, with children under 10 admitted free. Entries cost $15
per car.

The show is from 10am-2.30pm. For more details, phone 0411 327 515 or email

Goya Dmytryshchak