United Nations International Day of the Girl: Taking stand against inequality

A Footscray woman will take her fight for women’s rights to Federal Parliament.

Morgan Cataldo is among two dozen women who will take the message of young women and girls’ rights to some of Australia’s most prominent politicians, including Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

Ms Cataldo, 26, will be part of a delegation led by child rights organisation Plan International Australia to mark the United Nations International Day of the Girl (October 11).

She says she will use the visit to highlight gender inequality and the impact of violence against women, particularly in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

“I feel very grateful to have been given this opportunity and grateful for the politicians taking time out to meet with us,” Ms Cataldo said.

Ms Cataldo, who works full time for Melbourne Citymission while studying for a bachelor of counselling degree, still finds time to volunteer for Wesley Mission and the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria.

She says the main issues to arise in her talks with the community include gender inequality in employment roles, unequal pay and access to education. But she says the biggest problem is domestic violence.

Ms Cataldo will join other delegates in presenting a set of recommendations on how to take action to promote empowerment and leadership.

“There’s so much to talk about, from gender-based violence, sexism, equal pay and opportunities at work, to international issues facing girls like child marriage.”