Brooklyn: Car fridge thieves cause barbie snag

Plans for a tree-planting and barbecue to celebrate the opening of a new walking and bike trail in Melbourne’s west have been wrecked, with thieves at the weekend stealing a car fridge containing 20 kilograms of meat.

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (FOLKC) and other volunteers were about to plant 400 trees and shrubs near the historic bluestone bridge at Brooklyn when the theft happened on Sunday morning.

President Geoff Mitchelmore said it spoiled the Friends’ last planting for the year – Bushcare’s Major Day Out celebration of the official opening of the ‘missing link’ in Kororoit Creek Trail.

“We left the trucks, trailers and all the planting and barbecue equipment unattended for 30 minutes while distributing trees,” Mr Mitchelmore said.

“We’re accustomed to petty pilfering of stakes and guards from planted trees and shrubs, but the audacity to steal from an obvious volunteer organisation working in the interests of the community and environment leaves us speechless.”

The meat had been donated by Cedar Meats.

“Other than having to send out for extra food and eventually replacing the expensive car fridge, FOLKC is not that perturbed, just amazed,” Mr Mitchelmore added, before joking: “Four hundred indigenous trees and plants were planted and a 400-metre section of shared trail was opened to the public – followed by freshly barbecued rabbit and carp sandwiches.”

The section of trail was funded by Wyndham council.