Maribyrnong: Raleigh Road armed heist information sought

Police have released security images of two gunmen who robbed a Maribyrnong convenience store and a Coburg sex shop for cash and synthetic cannabis.

About 2.10pm on Friday, two men brandishing firearms entered a Newlands Road adult entertainment store in Coburg

They demanded cash and synthetic cannabis from a female employee. The woman complied and the two men left.

They were last seen walking west in Dairy Drive.

Police believe that four days earlier the same pair entered a convenience store in Raleigh Road, Maribyrnong, about 5.30am.

One man tried to open a locked door to get behind the counter while his accomplice pointed a firearm through security wire at the male staff member.

They demanded cash and the attendant complied. The pair then left and were last seen running west in Raleigh Road.

One man is described as Caucasian, in his early 20s, 173 centimetres tall and with a thin build. He was wearing a hoodie with a red design on the front, white cap with a black peak, dark track pants and black runners with white soles.

The second man is Caucasian, 177 centimetres tall and with a medium build. He wore a red jacket, blue hoodie with drawstrings, dark track pants and black runners with red soles.

Anyone with information is being urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.