Western Bulldogs: Who will be the next captain?

So, who will be next year’s captain of the Western Bulldogs?

Even if Ryan Griffen is forced to stay despite wanting out to the Giants, there’s no way he can remain captain. 

Joint vice-captains from this season past Daniel Giansiracusa and Adam Cooney are not options – Gia is retired and Cooney wants out, or wouldn’t take on the responsibility.

Rumour has it that Matthew Boyd isn’t thrilled at the kennel – and he happily handed over the captaincy to Griffen last season.

The Dogs are unlikely to tap Robert Murphy or Dale Morris on the shoulder to take on the mantle – both are 32 and with only one-two seasons left. 

However, either could be right if the Bulldogs are looking for someone to bridge the gap until an emerging captain is ready in 2016. Either would be a popular choice with Dogs’ fans.

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Big Will Minson is unlikely, and Liam Picken would lead by example – if he maintains his spot in the team.

Mitch Wallis has been spoken of as a natural leader on the track and for his attitude – but is only 21 and isn’t yet a permanent fixture, though the son of a former captain is expected to be a key player for many years. 

Captaincy would be 4-5 seasons away, if at all.

Luke Dahlhaus can be seriously inspirational – he might be an option years ahead.

The stand-out looks to be Tom Liberatore. But at 22 and only just emerging among the elite in the competition, it would be too much for a young man.

Our tip? Murphy until he retires, with young Libba to take over.

Let us know who you think will be the Bulldogs’ next captain. Post a comment below.

<a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/8370754/”>Who will captain the Western Bulldogs in 2015?</a>