Western Bulldogs: Brendan McCartney resigns as coach

Western Bulldogs president Peter Gordon has announced that Brendan McCartney has resigned as coach of the Western Bulldogs.

Gordon said on Friday that recent events had made it difficult for McCartney to coach next season given the circumstances of the past week.

He said McCartney was trying too hard and demanding too much of the people around him, because he cared so much.

“Macca was concerned on whether the position was recoverable,” he said.

Gordon said there had been a deterioration with communication between players and the coach during 2014, particularly late in the season.

After discussions this (Friday) morning, Gordon said: “Macca has, therefore, made the decision to resign as coach of the Western Bulldogs, effectively immediately.”

Gordon said that McCartney was one of the best men he had met.

“He’s made a fantastic contribution to the game … and to our footy club.”

Gordon said he was proud of his players, but they did not run the club.

He said as a position of principal, Ryan Griffen was a required player and a much-loved player, though he could not continue as captain.

Chris Grant would lead the way in choosing a new coach, Gordon said.

Former player and current assistant Brett Montgomery is the favourite for the role.

What do you think? Should McCartney have resigned? Should the Bulldogs deal with GWS to trade Ryan Griffen? Who should be the Dogs’ next coach?


Who will be the next captain?

The story behind the Ryan Griffin walkout

Peter Gordon slams Ryan Griffen

<a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/8370736/”>Who will coach the Western Bulldogs in 2015?</a>