Footscray: Legal help offered for west’s seniors

Elder abuse and other legal issues confronted by seniors will be tackled as lawyers and health workers join forces in Melbourne’s west.

The ‘Justice and Health Come Together in North West Melbourne’ project, funded by the Victorian Legal Services Board, will place a lawyer from Justice Connect’s Seniors Law program in the office of Footscray health organisation cohealth.

The lawyer will work with community health workers to help older people deal with legal and social problems.

Justice Connect legal services director Deborah Di Natale said the first person many older people talked to when they had a problem was the local doctor.

“They may be unaware they have a legal issue, not know where to seek legal help or be reluctant to engage with a lawyer, particularly if it involves close family members,” she said.

Ms Di Natale said a project lawyer would be able to identify legal problems in consultation with health practitioners, offering early alternatives and assistance rather than being called upon when it’s too late.

From early next year, the project lawyer will attend weekly casework meetings with the area’s health workers, including doctors, nurses, counsellors, neighbourhood houses and allied health practitioners.