Newport social housing project: VCAT’s ‘yes’, with proviso

Women’s Housing Limited (WHL) is a step closer to building a three-storey social-housing development in Newport after appealing to the state’s planning tribunal.

Hobsons Bay council refused to grant a permit for the Bradley Street complex after receiving 263 objections from surrounding residents.

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal this month gave WHL a chance to slightly amend its plans and return to the tribunal for a final decision.

The planned 21-dwelling development, with 13 on-site parking spaces, would provide affordable housing for women and their children, and older women.

The council refused the application on grounds including residential amenity, neighbourhood character and insufficient parking.

In their decision, VCAT presiding member Bill Sibonis and member Ann Keddie said there was low demand for parking in Bradley Street and social housing occupants were less likely to have cars.

“In our opinion, any potential negatives generated by some additional on-street parking would be outweighed by the positives associated with providing this much-needed form of residential land use,” they said

VCAT said the proposed three-storey building would “sit comfortably” with neighbourhood character.