Spotwood: Scienceworks museum reveals deep sea secrets out

An exhibition delving into creatures living 4000 metres under the sea opened this week at Spotwood’s Scienceworks museum.

The Deep Oceans exhibition includes a ‘virtual dome aquarium’ from South Australia, in which visitors view deep-sea creatures, such as a vampire squid, dragonfish, sea mouse, fangtooth fish and squat lobster.

Scienceworks’ Nurin Veis said the virtual aquarium also provided a view closer to the surface and closer to home.

“The dome video projection immerses you in a tranquil, virtual underwater experience, with a selection of footage we gathered recently in Port Phillip Bay of our beautiful local marine life in its natural state,” Dr Veis said.

Museum Victoria sciences head Mark Norman said technology and research equipment used in uncovering unique life forms and deep ecosystems would also feature.

“The deepest parts of the ocean are cold, dark and under intense pressure from the kilometres of water above, yet an amazing array of bizarre creatures call the deep sea home,” Dr Norman said.

“Scientists, including Museum Victoria’s own researchers, have made some fantastic discoveries over the years.”

The exhibition has links to the national curriculum and includes a kids’ trail solving puzzles and making discoveries.

Deep Oceans is open daily, 10am-4.30pm. Bookings can be made on 13 11 02, or online.